The kind answer: stewardship. The opposing directions are funded and they are funded with the generosity of God’s people. Both require energy and time, which are also precious resources to steward. Another answer: No one is as good as they think they are at catching two rabbits....
Chasing two rabbits: how social enterprises as hybrid organizations manage paradoxesThis study examines what kinds of paradoxes emerge in social enterprises and how they cope with those paradoxes. I argue social enterprises experience conflict due to their logic multiplicity. This......
Chasing two rabbits: how social enterprises as hybrid organizations manage paradoxesHybrid organizationLogic multiplicityOrganizational tensionParadoxSocial enterpriseRepublic of KoreaThis study examines what kinds of paradoxes emerge in social enterprises and how they cope with those paradoxes. I argue social ...
Liquid AlternativesBenchmarkLiquid alternatives are required to compare their performance to a broad-based market index. Despite their objective to offer low correlations with equity returdoi:10.3905/jii.2015.6.2.080Hughen, J. ChristopherEckrich, Patrick...
Universal service and internet commercialization: Chasing two rabbits at the same time. Telecommunications Policy, 22(4-5), 281-288.Kim, J. Y. (1998). Universal service and Internet commercialization: Chasing two rabbits at the same time. Telecommunications Policy, 22(4-5), 281-288....