在 Chase Ultimate Rewards 网站用积分买机票、订酒店、租车等,以及 Pay Yourself Back,CSP 卡的积分可增值25%,CSR 卡可增值50%。如果第二年不想交年费,可以联系客服降级为无年费卡。 年费$95。 开卡奖励 60,000 UR积分(保底价值$750):要求3个月刷够$4000美金。 每年报销 $50 Hotel Credit:须在 Chase UR ...
UA 里程来源主要有:乘坐航班积累,联名信用卡消费(包含开卡奖励),Chase Ultimate Rewards 转点(比例1:1),以及 Marriott Bonvoy 转点(比例 3:1.375,有时可能有额外bonus)。此外还可以利用 shopping portal, dinning portal 等方式额外再积累一些。 UA 里程兑换主要有以下优点: ...
Transfer your points to any of our airline and hotel partners at full 1:1 value with select cards. Pay with Points Use your points to pay for all or part of your eligible Amazon.com orders or when you check out with PayPal. Footnote1(Opens Overlay) Apple® Ultimate Rewards Store Use ...
Transfer your points to any of our airline and hotel partners at full 1:1 value with select cards. Pay with Points Use your points to pay for all or part of your eligible Amazon.com orders or when you check out with PayPal. Footnote1(Opens Overlay) Apple® Ultimate Rewards Store Use ...
Chase Ultimate Rewards®points are accepted throughout a large network of airline and hotel partners, allowing you to transfer your points and redeem them through their respective loyalty programs, instead. Note that you must be an existing member of the eligible loyalty program you wish to tr...
Transfer to airline or hotel partners The Chase travel portal is a great place to book travel fast, but transferring points to one of Chase's 14 travel partners will stretch your rewards even further. Ultimate Rewards® points can be transferred to travel partners at a 1:1 ratio with eithe...
这是一张有年费的中端 Visa 旅行卡,年费$95。这张卡的开卡奖励非常不错,$95的年费可以忽略。在 ChaseUltimate Rewards网站用积分买机票、订酒店、租车等,以及 Pay Yourself Back,CSP 卡的积分可增值25%,CSR 卡可增值50%。如果第二年不想交年费,可以联系客服降级为无年费卡。
先去BA网站查了下下周五费城(PHL)-波士顿(BOS)的票,已经没有傍晚合适时间的了,于是改而查询周六早上,正好有!果断从Chase Ultimate Rewards里开始给British Airways转点 在等待点数到账的几分钟,又看了看周日BOS-PHL的票,发现傍晚合适时间的只有一张票了,于是选择给领导兑换这张票,我去看看能不能坐Amtrak回纽约。
Whether you're looking to earn rewards, save on interest, travel or simplify business expenses, there's a Chase credit card for you. Chase Ultimate Rewards is a valuable travel rewards program and the issuer also offers some of the top cash-back credit cards. Below, CNBC Select breaks down...
Chase 信用卡 Ultimate Rewards (UR) 点数, 吃饭卡, 摩根大通 Chase, 无境外手续费, 金属卡, 高端信用卡Chase Sapphire Reserve 信用卡简介 【2024.6 更新】开卡奖励降低回60k了。 【2024.5 更新】新的开卡奖励是 75k。 【2024.3 更新】根据最新出的statment消息,今年7月起,由CSR卡附赠的PPS卡将不再享有餐厅福...