【2024.5 更新】Sapphire Reserve 的开卡奖励提高到了 75k, Sapphire Preferred 的奖励提高到了 75k/85k。也有不少朋友问申请哪一张划算,所以在这里统一更新一下。 文章目录[显示] 对比原因 Sapphire Preferred 和 Sapphire Reserve 都是 Chase 银行的信用卡,两张卡都针对于旅行比较多的人...
It’s easy to see why the Chase Sapphire Preferred is considered one of thebest travel credit cards. If you’re interested in arewards cardthat offers plenty of valuable benefits for a modest annual fee, the Sapphire Preferred is a good pick. Before you decide, be sure to compare it to ...
Sapphire Reserve If you have your eye on the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card, you might also be checking out the pricier Chase Sapphire Reserve®. A premium travel card, the Chase Sapphire Reserve® comes with an annual fee of $550 and several rich perks and benefits, including airline ...
Chase Sapphire Preferred (CSP) 蓝宝石信用卡是一张在信用卡市场上具有广泛知名度的信用卡,特别适合旅行者和经常出差的人。本文我们将深入探讨这张信用卡的各种特点、优势以及相关申请技巧。 记得很久之前我申请这张卡唯一一个理由就是:金属卡!掂在手里沉甸甸的,在小伙伴面前装 B 再合适不过了。曾经我还用这张...
Chase Sapphire Preferred(CSP) 蓝宝石信用卡是 Chase 的一张中端旅行信用卡,年费$95。这张卡是北美必备神卡之一,Chase UR 点数增值必备卡之一。目前开卡奖励75K UR点数,保底价值$900。在 Chase 的 Ultimate Rewards Portal(简称 UR Portal)买机票、预订酒店、租车等旅行服务,100 UR点数可抵$1.25美金。此卡还可以...
直接兑换:兑换现金为 1c;兑换旅行为 1c(无高级卡),1.25c(有 Ink Preferred、Sapphire Preferred),1.5c (Sapphire Reserve) 。 积分转换:1: 1 转成美联航里程(适合中美经济舱、美国境内经济舱、单程机票);1: 1 转 British Airways 里程(适合中日、美国境内短距离兑换);1: 1 转 Hyatt...
可以攒 UR 点数的信用卡主要有:Chase Freedom Student,Chase Freedom,Chase Freedom Unlimited (CFU),Chase Sapphire Preferred (CSP),Chase Sapphire Reserve (CSR),Chase Ink Cash (商业卡),Chase Ink Unlimited (商业卡),Chase Ink Preferred (商业卡)等等。
5X on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3X on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2X on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases, $50 Annual Chase Travel Hotel Credit, plus the Sapphire Preferred also offers some less obvious benefits that you may not...
If you want to make a solid first push into collecting rewards points, it's hard to pass up the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card. It has the perfect mix of a fantastic signup bonus with an achievable minimum spend plus first-class purchase and travel protection benefits, making it the per...
So, is the Chase Sapphire Preferred card worth it? If you’re looking for a card that’s great at earning points, offers flexible redemption options, and includes solid benefits and travel protections, then yes — the Chase Sapphire Preferred card would be very worth it to you! What Benefi...