Chase Sapphire Preferred®Credit Card Sign in to apply fasterOpens in a new windowApply as a guestOpens in a new window *Offer detailsOpens offer details overlay.†Pricing & TermsOpens pricing and terms in new window. Refer Friends if you already have either Chase Sapphire®card!
Apply NowOpens Chase Sapphire Preferred application in new windowSee detailsOpens Chase Sapphire Preferred(Registered Trademark) credit card product page in the same window †Pricing & TermsOpens in a new window Rewards Program Agreement (PDF)Opens in a new window ...
Chase Sapphire Preferred信用卡最适合热爱旅游的朋友和最近有大额支出的朋友,您的每一笔消费,都在助力您的下一趟旅程。平时的话搭配Chase Freedom Unlimited卡可以拿到最高的点数和最高的返现。 如果您三个月内消费在$4,000以上,比如有大件物品或者数码产品(比如苹果产品,戴尔显示器什么的)需要购买,满足开卡奖励的条...
Chase Freedom Unlimited(CFU)。 Chase Sapphire Preferred(CSP)中端蓝宝石卡或者Chase Sapphire Reserve(CSR)高端蓝宝石卡:这两张蓝宝石卡只能同时持有1张。 这3张神卡都要申请到手,配合使用,让手里的UR(Ultimate Rewards)积分增值不损失。CFF 和 CFU 用于平时日常消费(买菜、加油、吃饭、网购等)攒UR积分,UR 积...
as well as the card membership anniversary bonus, you'll be getting a lot more with the new changes with the Sapphire Preferred. On the other hand, the new rewards categories on the Sapphire Reserve are exclusive to dining, travel and hotel stays booked through the Ultimate Rewards portal. ...
That's $750 when you redeem through Chase Ultimate Rewards®. Show more To keep things simple, we've organized the post around seven key factors you should consider before you pick a credit card. The Sapphire Preferred is our top recommendation for beginners. So, we’ll highlight how it...
Chase Sapphire Preferred has a new bonus that will get you a $300 Chase Travel credit in addition to the 70,000 Ultimate Rewards points.
要讓Chase UR點數的價值發揮到最大效益,Chase的三大神卡必不可少;其中CP值最高的就是這篇文章要介紹的Chase Sapphire Preferred (CSP)。這篇整理CSP的史高&次高、開卡獎勵、點數加乘回饋類別、持卡福利、跟最高價值兌換UR點數的方法。
Here are the perks you'll definitely want to take advantage of when you sign up for the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card. 1. Points are worth 25% more with the Chase Travel℠ portal Your Chase Rewards Points are worth a whole lot more when you have a Sapphire Preferred card. Get 25% mo...
Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card(CSP)蓝宝石信用卡 这是Chase最经典的蓝宝石信用卡,经典必备神卡。这是一张有年费的中端 Visa 旅行卡,年费$95。这张卡的开卡奖励非常不错,$95的年费可以忽略。在 ChaseUltimate Rewards网站用积分买机票、订酒店、租车等,以及 Pay Yourself Back,CSP 卡的积分可增值25%,CSR...