In 2011, the D-backs partnered with the Maricopa County Stadium District and APS to build a solar shade structure that covers 17,280 square feet above the Chase Field plaza near the ballpark's western entrances and ticket booths. The solar shade structure provides extra shade over the ballpark...
Location: Mesa, Delta, Garfield County Size: 346,555 acres Elevation: 10,453 feet. Established: December 24, 1892 The smallest national forest is also one of the oldest. Established in 1892, at the time Grand Mesa National Forest was only the third forest reserve created in America. A map...
The pursuit was now on. State Police said the driver continued going the wrong way toward the Village of Whitney Point, and then exited the wrong way off the main route.WBNGsays the suspect then abandoned his vehicle near McDonald's. it wouldn't be long before troopers caught up with the...
google maps/ street view Mesa, Washington Mesa was originally called Bluff Wells but now it's Mesa. I once thought it was like Mesa (may-suh) Arizona but soon discovered that it's pronounced Me-sah. It's one town that can confuse you if you are new to the area. Buena, Washington g...