Chase Freedom Flex®Credit Card Sign in to apply fasterOpens in a new windowApply as a guestOpens in a new window *Offer DetailsOpens offer details overlay.†Pricing & TermsOpens pricing and terms in new window. Refer Friends if you already have a Chase Freedom Flex®Card!
Refer Friends if you already have a Chase Freedom Unlimited®Card! Earn up to $500 cash back per year.You can earn $50 cash back for each friend who gets any participating Chase Freedom®credit card. Click the button below to start referring. ...
Chase Freedom Purchase protection can repair, replace, or reimburse you for eligible items in the event of theft or damage. Continue Chase cards How to do a balance transfer to a Chase Freedom Unlimited credit card Consolidate your balances to a Freedom Unlimited card to help make managing payme...
The Chase Freedom Unlimited card lets cardmembers earn 1% cashback on every purchase, 5% on travel, 3% on dining in or out, and 3% on drugstores.
申请链接是:Freedom Credit Cards | 具体申请过程可以参考我的另一篇文章: Chase高级年费卡: Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card(CSP)蓝宝石信用卡 这是Chase最经典的蓝宝石信用卡,经典必备神卡。这是一张有年费的中端 Visa 旅行卡,年费$95。这张卡的开卡奖励非常不错,$95的年费可以忽略。在 Chase...
Discover it Cash Back Card:季度类别轮换5%返现。 Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card(CFU) Chase Freedom Unlimited 可以作为 Chase Freedom Flex 返现卡的补充。所有类别最低1.5%返现。是一张Visa卡,可以在 Costco 用。这张卡的开卡奖励不错,只需要花$500就能拿回$200,而且第一年整年加油都可以获得5%返现奖励...
Chase Freedom® is not currently available to new cardholders. Please visit our list of thebest cash-back cardsfor alternative options. When you open a new credit card, you probably aren't worried about what could happen if it’s discontinued. But card issuers continually come out with new...
旧版Chase Freedom (CF)信用卡的特点是:Visa卡,每季度有特定类别最多前$1500可以获得 5x UR,其他消费1x UR; Chase Freedom Unlimited (CFU)信用卡的特点是:Visa卡,通过UR Portal的旅游消费5x UR,餐厅(含外卖)以及药店消费3x UR,其他所有消费1.5x UR ...
Chase Freedom Unlimited (CFU) 信用卡简介 【2024.11 更新】开卡奖励从 $200 升高到 $250 了。额外1.5%返现 up to $300 offer 依然存在。 【2024.4 更新】之前的$200+5% on grocery+gas offer过期了,现在是$200 offer或额外1.5%返现offer。 【2024.2 更新】之前的无上限双倍返现Offer过期了,改成上限很低了...
Chase Freedom Flex Credit Card (CFF)CFF卡是日常消费的必备神卡,适用于购物、加油、餐饮和网购等。原名Chase Freedom,现升级为Chase Freedom Flex,并更换为Mastercard。2020年升级后,卡片更换了Mastercard。Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card (CFU)CFU卡可以作为Chase Freedom Flex的返现卡补充,提供...