UI kits Pre-made essentials like buttons and toasts Wireframes Explore your early ideas with lo-fi frames Design templates Desktop apps & websites Mobile apps Portfolio templates Resume templates Assets Illustrations Icons Shapes & colors Plugins Editing & effects Transform your colors, images, text,...
It contains a rich UI gallery of 50+ Charts and Graphs, ranging from line to financial that cater to all charting scenarios. Its high performance helps render large amounts of data quickly. It also comes with features such as zooming, panning, tooltip, crosshair, trackball, highlight, and ...
It has a good design too. It’s very good. Arnoldas A, Junior Node.JS Developer Best Mobile Chart Solution for Flutter - most professional and responsive engineering and support Syncfusion Team is World Class! - We discovered a problem implementing the Syncfusion Charts, Submitted a support...
React 组件本质还是 ui 组件,我的意识中,每一个 React 组件应该有 className 和 style 属性,为其做样式的自定义。 2. echarts.init 参数作为顶层 props 顶层API 参数作为顶层 props,概念层级对等,开发者易于理解。这些包含有: notMerge showLoading loadingOption opts.renderer ... 3. echarts option 完全透传 ...
To install Lobe UI, run the following command: $ bun add @lobehub/charts Compile with NextJS Note By work correct with nextjs ssr, addtranspilePackages: ['@lobehub/charts']tonext.config.js. For example: // next.config.jsconstnextConfig={// ...other configtranspilePackages:['@lobehub/...
point_right: Customize the LayoutManager of RecyclerView(自定义LayoutManager) | 4.1k | Java | 10/05 | | 79 | [youlookwhat/CloudReader](https://github.com/youlookwhat/CloudReader) | 云阅:一款基于网易云音乐UI,使用玩安卓、Gank.Io及时光网api开发的符合Google Material Design的Android...
In this article, we described design patterns and best practices for the implementation of custom charts, using theScatterFitchart as an example. Many common visualization tasks, especially those that require dynamic graphics, can be performed using an appropriate chart. Designing and crea...
Modular Design The React chart is designed for modularity. Only features that are needed are part of your deployment, so you get the smallest possible footprint in your rendered pages. Smart Data Binding Let us choose the chart type. Our smart Data Adapter automatically chooses the best chart ...
实现目标( UI 给图 ) 现有折线图(ant 基础折线图) 提供数据格式如下: 1.首先安装包,导入引用直接看文档。 2.找到基础的折现配置,直接放入代码。data数据需要自己提供,数据格式参照上图。 3.最终config实现配置代码如下。注意:如果是ts就要在config后面加上类型为any ...
1 Tencent/weui A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications. 27016 2024-01-12 2 Chuyu-Team/Dism-Multi-language Dism++ Multi-language Support & BUG Report 12580 2023-08-23 3 atelier-anchor/smiley-sans 得意黑 Smiley Sans:一...