Highcharts GPT Create a donut chart of the world's top 5 car manufacturers, use dark mode Create a chart with this data from Excel: Debit Credit 19/2 234 23 20/2 23 134 21/2 2 45 Show me how to load data dynamically Create a pie, line and column chart Show me how to ...
yangjianxin1/GPT2-chitchat GPT2 for Chinese chitchat/用于中文闲聊的GPT2模型(实现了DialoGPT的MMI思想) 729 Python 05/16 196CTF-MissFeng/bayonet bayonet是一款src资产管理系统,从子域名、端口服务、漏洞、爬虫等一体化的资产管理系统 726 Python 05/16 197mtianyan/FunpySpiderSearchEngine 借鉴自慕课网【...
git clone https://github.com/whoiskatrin/chart-gpt.git cd chart-gpt Then duplicate the.env.exampletemplate withcp .env.example .envand add your PaLM API key: BARD_KEY="your-api-key" Then install the dependencies and start the development server: ...
Write a Chatbot:Describe the chatbot you want, including its personality, purpose, and interactions. ChatGPT will generate a natural and engaging chatbot that can interact with users according to your specifications. Write a Thesis:Give a brief summary of the topic you want to explore, a...
ChatGPT OpenAI 6 WePlay - Game and Party WEJOY PTE. LTD. Top Paid Apps 1 EpocCam Webcamera for Computer Corsair Memory, Inc. 2 HomeBudget with Sync Anishu, Inc. 3 Shadowrocket Shadow Launch Technology Limited 4 Threema. The Secure Messenger ...
如果你使用 gpt 之类的人工智能,建议你使用 Echarts 关键字,而非 pyecharts 当然,我觉得这种方式还有改进空间。既然现在 python 出来了这么多 web 界面库,为什么我们不自己造一个查询界面,自动生成各种库的使用代码? 接下来我会把制作过程中涉及的 python 知识点通过文章方式分享,这是一个非常好的入门 python 的...
echarts geo 将相对于容器左上角的像素坐标转换为地理坐标,在同意坐标系中画两张纵坐标不同的柱形图,需求如下图:根据需求设置两种不同颜色,纵坐标值不同且在统一坐标系下的柱形图代码如下:html代码:<divref="myChart"v-loading="loading1"class="model-l"/><
26 x-dr/chatgptProxyAPI 🔥 使用cloudflare 搭建免费的 OpenAI api代理 ,解决网络无法访问问题。支持流式输出 2628 2023-11-20 27 OWASP/ASVS Application Security Verification Standard 2416 2024-01-19 28 tencentyun/qcloud-documents 腾讯云官方文档 2382 2024-01-16 29 Bionus/imgbrd-grabber Very customizab...
ChatGPT 就能帮我们实现这一操作。 完成代码如下: from pyecharts import options as opts from pyecharts.charts import Pie # 随机生成数据 data = [("分类A", 38.4), ("分类B", 24.2), ("分类C", 17.6), ("分类D", 12.5), ("分类E", 7.3)] ...
ChatGPT has some great chart-making tools. From histograms and heatmaps to word clouds and network diagrams, here's how to take full advantage of this powerful capability. Written by David Gewirtz, Senior Contributing Editor Nov. 26, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. PT nopparit/Getty Images Know wh...