Excel is one of the most widely-used tools across all industries and types of organizations. Charts and graphs are great tools to visualize your work, but there are many ways to elevate your data in Excel. We’ve created a list of additional features that allow you to do more with your...
Graphs and Charts in Excel are the pictorial representation of datasets for easy presentation and understanding. Graphs represent the numeric data and show the relation and variation of how one number affects or changes another. However, charts represent data that may or may not be related. For e...
Use this step-by-step how-to and discover the easiest and fastest way to make a chart or graph in Excel. Learn when to use certain chart types and graphical elements.
While it might be tempting to skip straight to the section you need, I recommend you read the first section in full. Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM) is essential to understand how VBA can be used with charts and graphs in Excel. In Excel 2013, many changes were introduced to...
Graphs and Charts in Excel. This is the minimum you have to know to feel at ease in Excel. This is an easy tutorial to Microsoft Excel. What is Excel, why is it used, how use it correctly, tips and trick, faq are what you will learn here.
Making Charts (Graphs) in ExcelHere are 6 tutorial videos dealing with different aspects of Excel charts: How to make them, setting and locating relevant titles, relocating the legend (or hiding it), what are data labels and how to add them, how to rescale the Y-axis, and eventually ...
How to Make Trendlines in Excel Charts When creating a chart in Excel, you may want to add a trendline to your chart to help users better visualize trends in the data over time. This tutorial will teach you how to add and format trendlines on your Excel chart and graphs. ...
Since then, I’ve experimented a zillion times and crafted different variations of graphs and charts in Excel that look super polished. My takeaway? Having a defined process always helps. So, I now have a go-to, step-by-step process I swear by when creating Excel charts and graphs. ...
How to select the best Excel chart? What are the most popular Excel charts and graphs types? When to use a Line chart When to use a Clustered column chart Combination chart Stacked column chart 100% stacked column chart Stacked area chart ...
Charts and graphs do not need to be complicated. Remember the graphs you made in Excel when you were nine? Exactly! Comic Sans in lime-green is not the way to go. However, we can make this right for you now. Here's how to make good graphs in Excel—even for boring financial spread...