While we endeavour to provide full and accurate information on our website, there may be occasions where producers have updated their recipe or failed to provide full details of their ingredients and processes. This may affect factors including the product style and allergen information, and we wo...
Not exactly breaking news here, Julia.) In fact, I’m so in love with it I’m almost willing to move past the fact that when we shot this photo, the strap on my purse came undone randomly, dropping the bag and shooting my phone onto the cement where the screen cracked. Not quite ...
Chartreuse is the name and color of a liqueur that has made by Carthusian monks since the 1600s. The name comes from the Chartreuse Mountains where the Grande Chartreuse monastery is located, in Grenoble, France. There are two different varieties of Chartreuse liqueur: yellow and green. Both a...
“if I could carry off Fabrizio from the citadel, and take refuge with him in some happy country where they could not pursue us—in Paris, for instance—we should have the twelve hundred francs his father’s agent sends me with such comical regularity47, to live on, at first; and I ...