I have a table with 2 columns of dates(arrival dates and departure dates) and a measure. The arrival date has to be <= Today() The departure date has to be in the next 6 months and not including today The measure is to calculate number of rooms occupied every day(I used the 2 fil...
i have a table with 2 columns FieldName FieldValue AD12.01 AD13.01 AD14.01 AD15.01 BD23.01 BD24.01 BD25.01 BD26.01 CD27.01 CD28.01 CD29.01 CD30.01 DD27.01 DD28.01 DD29.01 DD30.01 Main10 Main20 Main30 Main40 from the above table i need to create a pivot table structure like ...
I have 6 sets of data for 5 buildings and a total row. Every time I switch the chart to Combo with Secondary Axis, only 3 columns appear for 3 data sets. The informal
htpb] \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{groupplot}[ legend columns=-1, %bar width=0.22, % Width of the bar %, % Distance between the centers of the bars symbolic
Clustered columnA clustered column chart shows values in 2-D columns. Use this chart when you have categories that represent: Ranges of values (for example, item counts). Specific scale arrangements (for example, a Likert scale with entries, like strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongl...
we want column A to represent our X-axis and column C to represent our primary Y-axis (left side) and column E to represent our secondary Y-axis (right side). One more complication to this example is that our data is not all in adjacent cells, so we need to select columns A, C,...
The following text gives an example of a comma-delimited text file that has five columns and four rows, with the first row being a header row. Visio will generate this sample text file for you – start theOrganization Chart Wizard, selectInformation that I enter ...
You add columns to the time series data that define the events you want to show on the line. For those columns, non-blank values become events and are shown as circles on the Pulse chart. See also Pulse Chart at Microsoft AppSource...
I have a table where some values are expressed in hours (for example 8h), and some others are in percentages. The rows are KPI names, and the columns are weeks. I figure I need a combined chart with two axes, one for the hours and one for the %, but when I make a combined cha...
//设置数据适配器 Set up data adapter chartView.setAdapter(adapter) //显示加载动画 Show load animation .setAnimLoadData(false) //日期格式器 Date formatter .setDateTimeFormatter(new DateFormatter()) //网格列 Grid column .setGridColumns(5) //网格行 Grid row .setGridRows(5) //logo .setLogo...