Once you've assessed your body fat, you'll want to know what your number means. TheCleveland Clinicrecommends following guidelines laid out in September 2000 inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition(although keep in mind that there isn't total agreement in the health community about ...
Q. Is it possible that you have a normal BMI but your Waist-to-hip-ratio shows that you have abdominal obesity? Q. Should you be concerned if you are healthy and comfortable even if you are overweight? Q.How many kg should a 5 foot height weigh? Q. How do I know if I am overwe...
Marc Perry 2. i’ve workout 3x a week but no cardio extensive cardio on both dates..diet is that i made sure that am within or below my daily recommended caloric intake which is 1265..i usually eat, wheat bread, pan grilled chix breast, brown rice and takin whey proteins.. Jogging:...