The meaning of PIE CHART is a circular chart cut by radii into segments illustrating relative magnitudes or frequencies —called also circle graph.
Pie Charts: Apie chartis placed over each object being shaded. 饼图: 饼图放在每个对象被遮盖. 期刊摘选 The results can be shown with aPie chartor Lorenz curve. 计算结果可用饼图或劳伦斯曲线显示. 期刊摘选 Pie ChartProgram in C source code integrity, and can be used directly. ...
两张pie chart The pie graphs provided directly compare the variations in the percentage of online vending revenue among four distinct retail product subcategories between 2003 and 2013. Overall, it shows that in 2003, the travel sector had the largest internet sales, whereas in 2013, New Zealand'...
A pie chart or pie graph is a circular chart divided into wedge-like sectors, illustrating proportion. Each wedge represents a proportionate part of the whole, and the total value of the pie is always 100 percent.
Now that you know what a pie chart is, let’s look at some of its advantages: A straightforward and easy-to-understand illustration. It visually portrays data as a fraction of a whole, which can be an important communication tool for even the most inexperienced audience. ...
饼形图 (Pie Chart) 获广泛应用于项目演示和办公室,把一个圆圈划分成不同比例的分段,以展示各个类别之间的比例和百分比。每个圆弧的长度代表每个类别的所占比例,而全圆则表示所有数据的总和,相等于 100%。 饼形图适合用来快速展示数据比例分布,但主要缺点是: 不能显示太多项目,随着所示项目数量增加,每个分段会...
方法/步骤 1 双击图标打开Excel 2010;2 随机制作一个简单的表格;3 选择单元格区域;4 点击“插入”选项卡,在“图表”选项组中找到“饼图”;5 点击“饼图”右侧的小黑色三角形,并在弹出的下拉菜单中选择“三维饼图”;6 表格中间插入饼图如下;7 点击“设计”选项卡,在“图表布局”选项组中找到“其他”...
饼图是一种圆形图表,通过将圆形划分为不同的扇区,通过扇区的面积来表达数值、比例或者频率的相对关系。 已知最早的饼图是威廉·普莱菲于1801年在他的《统计学摘要》Statistical Breviary中所作。 这张饼图,描述了1789年以前土耳其帝国在亚洲、欧洲及非洲中所占的比例。
两张pie chart The two pie charts show the aspects of Bowen Island that tourists enjoy the most and the least. Bowen Island has many features that attract tourists but the most popular of these are the scenery and the people, with more than two thirds of the visitors to the island listing...