Endocrine and Low Blood Pressure The body maintains its normal function by a number of checks and balances and feedback loops. Hormones are the messengers that help make adjustments in the body's function. There are connections between the pituitary gland in the brain and glands in the body to...
Anatomical Charts Acupuncture Addiction Brain and Nervous system Cancers Cardiovascular System Cell Genetics Chart accessories Circulatory System Digestive System Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Emergency and CPR Endocrine Glands Fitness Gynaecology Immune System Metabolic System Muscle Ophthalmology Parasitic, Vi...
How do I create a "T" chart on the functions of the glands of the endocrine system? Community Answer Put the names of the glands in the first column. Then put the functions in the second column, next to the corresponding gland. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 2 Ask a Question Submit Thing...