The amethyst or February birthstone color is a type of quartz, and was thought to protect an owner from drunkenness in ancient Greece. First uses of this purple gem are by Egyptians, and the Germanic Anglo-Saxon people. There are many different shades of this gem. The deepest purple and mo...
Associated Crystals: Agate, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Tigers Eye, Hematite, Smoky Quartz.2. Svadisthana, the Sacral Chakra: Orange ColorSanskrit meaning:“Your own seat,” or “One’s own place.” Color: Orange. Orange is enthusiastic, joyful, and the color of vitality and strength. It...
There is some scientific basis for the functioning of themood ring. However, every individual has a unique physiological makeup that determined temperature changes. And with the wide ranges of meanings for every color in the chart, it is not that accurate pin pointing the actual mood of a per...
Many of the traditional birthstones, are the same ones that were used as ancient birthstones, depending on the culture and the area where the people were living, like the lovely purple Amethyst crystals. Deep Purple Amethyst Pendant As it became easier to obtain the stone, more were made ava...
There are liquid crystals in the rings that change color when your body temperature rises or falls. mood ring’s on amazon Mood Ring Color Meanings The meanings associated with the jewelry simple comes from the different temperatures your body has when you are in different moods. A few ...