Zodiac and houses House System: Zodiac:TropicalSiderealDraconitic Ayanamsha: Ayanamsha Ayanamsha is the deviation in degrees of the sidereal from the tropical zodiac at a given epoch. Sidereal astrologers dissent from each other on the question where exactly in the firmament the sidereal zodiac shou...
Calculate your astrological birth chart & astrology chart with full analysis and reading of zodiac signs and horoscope, free and accurate. Find your planets in signs and houses, ascendant, Midheaven, and planetary aspects. Interpretation and personality
Traditionally, the ruling sign of this house isAries, and theruling planetis Mars. It’s aCardinalquality house and it belongs to the element ofFire. What Does the 1st House Do in Astrology? 1. Holds the Rising Sign The sign on the cusp of the 1st house is called yourRising sign, or...
A professional astrologer explains how to read your birth chart to calculate all your planet and rising signs, astrological houses, compatibility, and more.
Houses in Birth Chart in Vedic AstrologyUnderstanding Houses in Horoscope in Indian Astrology In Vedic astrology different areas of life are controlled by different houses and specific area is assigned to specific houses. According to date, time and place of birth, birth chart is casted and birth...
See alsoa chart with some interpretations. The above calculator uses the Koch system of houses. Alternatively, you can calculate your chart using Placidus,Equal, orWhole Signhouses.
The following tutorial can help demonstrate how to understand the houses of an astrology chart wheel by looking at the chart wheel itself. This mostly applies to uneven house systems, such as Placidus, Koch, Regiomontanus, Campanus, and more....
Astrology studies the position and movement of the stars. Thanks to their understanding and surveillance, there can be a relationship between what happens in the sky and what goes on in people's daily life. Modern astrology, rather than predicting people's "fate" or forecasting events on earth...
Astrology divides the whole sky into 12 sections or “Houses” representing different areas of our lives. Your birth chart shows how each planet is influenced by its position in each House. You may know your zodiac sign but it’s also important to note that the position of the planet in ...
Chart houses split the chart into twelve realms, beginning from the Ascendant, which add another dimension of themes corresponding to the signs starting from Aries. Read more 1st House starts at 13° Taurus 2nd House starts at 12° Gemini 3rd House starts at 3° Cancer 4th House starts ...