Two different companies will never have the same chart of accounts because the chart of accounts is usually very specific. SAP provides users with a standard set of accounts that can be used as a Chart of Accounts template. However, it requires a detailed discussion with the user account to ...
This could be the case if company codes lie in multiple countries. The use of different charts of accounts has no effect on the balance sheet and profit and loss statement. When creating the balance sheet or the profit and loss statement, you can choose whether to balance the company codes...
In developing the chart of accounts, the system designer must anticipate all the information that management might at some time want. 在设计科目表的时候,系统设计人员必须充分考虑到管理层会随时会索要的所有信息。 2. The Chart of Accounts in SAP consists of two management levels:...
会计科目表 Chart of Accounts是SAP中所有总帐科目主记录的列表。会计科目表中,每一个科目主记录均包含科目号、科目名称和控制信息三个组成部分。 总账科目的创建:先在科目表中创建(FSPO),再在公司代码中创建(FSSO)。 二.SAP三大类会计科目表 1.Operating Chart of Accounts(运营会计科目表):日常经营所需科目,财...
In the General Ledger, you can define different charts of accounts. Each company code is assigned to exactly one chart of accounts. The chart of accounts is used for the account assignments within Asset Accounting. The account assignment is controlled by means of the asset class in Asset Acco...
SAP会计科目表(Charts of Accounts) 】、SAP财务总账3大类会计科目表1、运营会计科目表(OperatingChartofAccounts) 运营会计科目表是记账必须的会计科目表,日常经营所需科目,财务会计和成本核算都使用同一个.../Consolidation ChartsofAccounts) 集团公司会计科目表包含了在集团公司内使用的所有科目,为满足合并业务而定义...
We have three types of chart of accounts in SAP as explained below. Operational Chart of Accounts Day to day business operations are booked in G/L accounts which created at the operational chart of accounts. These G/L accounts will be assigned infinanceandcontrollinglevel. Assignment of the ...
A Chart of Accounts exists within a client and is independed of Company Codes. Because nearly every country has different legal requirements and accounting customs there are already a lot of different Chart of Accounts predefined in the SAP- system.. You assign a Chart of Accounts to a ...
Chart of accounts 在中文中一般译为科目表。 在 SAP 系统中,每一个总账科目(G/L Accoun)都有两个层次(level),首先必须在 Chart of accounts level 维护相关信息,然后再在 company code level 维护附加的信息。Company code 实际应用的科目表叫 operating chart of accounts. 请看下面的图示,应该很清楚。
GMGAAP table in SAP PSM (Grants Management in PSM) module. This table is used for storing data of Special GL accounts in chart of accounts for GM GAAP. See the details, table fields, field types & length and technical data of GMGAAP table. etc.