This table contains general ledger options for a chart of accounts. Details Schema: FUSION Object owner: GL Object type: TABLE Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA Primary Key Name Columns GL_CHART_OF_ACCOUNT_OPTIONS_PK CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_OPTIONS_ID Columns NameDatatypeLengthPrecisionNot-nullComment...
Chart of accounts 在中文中一般譯 為科目表。 在 SAP 系統中,每一個總賬科目(G/L Accoun)都有兩個層次(level),首先必須在 Chart of accounts level 維護相關信息,然后再在 company code level 維護附加的信息。Company code 所用的科目表叫 operating chart of accounts. 看了下面的圖示應該就清楚了。
Chart of accounts 在中文中一般译为科目表。 在 SAP 系统中,每一个总账科目(G/L Accoun)都有两个层次(level),首先必须在 Chart of accounts level 维护相关信息,然后再在 company code level 维护附加的信息。Company code 实际应用的科目表叫 operating chart of accounts. 请看下面的图示,应该很清楚。
This tutorial which is part of SAP FI course talks about SAP chart of accounts. You will learn what is it, their types, and how assign them to company codes
From an accounting standpoint, effective recordkeeping begins by capturing financial transactions in the general ledger (GL). But entering these details is only part of the battle. It’s the chart of accounts (CoA) that gives the general ledger structure. Otherwise, it wou...
Map transactions from the Stripe default accounts to the chart of accounts in your general ledger. You can customize Stripe Revenue Recognition reporting to use your General Ledger (GL) chart of accounts instead of using the default Stripe accounts. You can configure a rule to map transactions by...
How are the GL Accounts created within Chart Of Accounts. Automaticaally Assigned or Manually Created 1) Are those created automatically when a chart of accounts is
The GLCHART.E procedure is used to enter the General Ledger chart of accounts. Any account number required to print on financial reports or which will be used by any module must be entered.You may flag an account as inactive to prevent it from being used on future transactions. However, ...
Map transactions from the Stripe default accounts to the chart of accounts in your general ledger. You can customize Stripe Revenue Recognition reporting to use your General Ledger (GL) chart of accounts instead of using the default Stripe accounts. You can configure a rule to map transactions by...