在React 中使用 ChartJS 动态添加 x 轴通常涉及以下步骤: 安装依赖: 安装依赖: 创建图表组件: 创建图表组件: 遇到的问题及解决方法 问题:动态添加 x 轴时,图表可能会变得卡顿或性能下降。 原因: 频繁更新数据和标签导致 React 组件频繁重新渲染。 Canvas 渲染大量数据时性能下降。
React Chart with Static X Axis React Chart with Vertically Stacked Axes React Chart with Logarithmic Axis Example Draw React Chart Behind Axis Axis Types React Chart Axis Layout Options 2D Charts: Axis Label Customization (3 Demos) Multi-line and Rotated Text labels Image labels Rotated Labels ...
Example #8Source File: DataDocChart.tsx From querybook with Apache License 2.0 5 votes DataDocChart = React.memo<IDataDocChartProps>( ({ meta, data = [], chartJSOptions = {}, chartJSRef }) => { const theme = useSelector( (state: IStoreState) => state.user.computedSettings.theme...
首先,确保你已经在React项目中安装了chart.js库。可以使用npm或yarn命令进行安装: 首先,确保你已经在React项目中安装了chart.js库。可以使用npm或yarn命令进行安装: 或 或 在React组件中引入chart.js库和React的相关依赖: 在React组件中引入chart.js库和React的相关依赖: 在组件的函数体内创建一个ref对象,用于引用ch...
View the sample of a basic area chart created in React.js using react-apexcharts. Sample code included to jumpstart your development.
npm install --save react-chartjs You must also includechart.jsandReactas dependencies. npm install --save chart.js@^1.1.1 react react-dom Example Usage varLineChart=require("react-chartjs").Line;varMyComponent=React.createClass({render:function(){return<LineChartdata={chartData}options={chart...
本人使用 react-chartjs-2 ,使用hooks进行组件开发 发现的问题总结 首先上项目例图 基础生成方面请参考 react-chartjs-2 。主要讲结合 chart.js 官方文档上 所遇到的问题 1.首先实施刷新方面 利用react hooks的 state和useEffect的钩子,部分参考代码例子如下 ...
React Vue Blazor JavaScriptGantt Chart EXPLORE OTHER CONTROLS VIEW DEMOS BUY NOW Overview The JavaScript Gantt Chart is a project planning and management tool that provides a Microsoft Project-like interface to display and manage hierarchical tasks with timeline details. Its intuitive user interface lets...
Sparklines Why Choose ApexCharts 20 chart types MIT License 1 million weekly downloads No registration needed 100+ samples includes FREE DOWNLOADReact Chart Demos > Bubble Charts > SimpleStay Updated Get the latest news, updates and what's coming next! Sign up for our Newsletter here....
integrates with various web frameworks and libraries (Angular, React, jQuery, and Vue) NVD3 Another popular chart library, NVD3 is built on top of D3.js and features a robust technical foundation. Performance is pretty solid, and simple animations give some life into the visual aspect of the...