第一步:安装 npm:npm install chart.js --save Bower:bower install chart.js --save CDN:https://cdnjs.com/libraries/Chart.js 第二步:引入 ES6: import Chart from 'chart.js'; let myChart = new Chart(ctx, {...}); Script Tag: var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {...}); Common JS:...
(0,0,0,.1)", //Number - Pixel width of the scale line scaleLineWidth : 1, //Boolean - Whether to show labels on the scale scaleShowLabels : false, //Interpolated JS string - can access value scaleLabel : "<%=value%>", //String - Scale label font declaration for the scale ...
varoptions ={//Boolean - If we show the scale above the chart data//网格线是否在数据线的上面scaleOverlay :false,//Boolean - If we want to override with a hard coded scale//是否用硬编码重写y轴网格线scaleOverride :false,//** Required if scaleOverride is true **//Number - The number ...
DOCTYPEhtml>Chart JS DoughnutChart JS DoughnutnewChart(document.getElementById("chartjs-doughnut"), {type:'doughnut',data: {labels: ["Lion","Horse","Elephant","Tiger","Jaguar"],datasets: [{backgroundColor: ["#51EAEA","#FCDDB0","#FF9D76","#FB3569","#82CD47"],data: [418...
Doughnut ChartsJust change type from "pie" to "doughnut": type: "doughnut"; Try it Yourself »Scatter PlotsHouse Prices vs. SizeSource Code const xyValues = [ {x:50, y:7}, {x:60, y:8}, {x:70, y:8}, {x:80, y:9}, {x:90, y:9}, {x:100, y:9}, {x:110, y:...
showValues 是否在图表显示对应的数据值,默认为1(True) yAxisMinValue 指定纵轴(y轴)最小值,数字 yAxisMaxValue 指定纵轴(y轴)最小值,数字 showLimits 是否显示图表限值(y轴最大、最小值),默认为1(True) 图表标题和轴名称 caption 图表主标题 subCaption 图表副标题 ...
['line','bar', 'radar', 'polarArea', 'doughnut', 'pie', 'bubble'] data、options 由于图表type不同,data的配置也就不同,这里以折线图的使用方法举例: var myLineChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: 'red',
环形图(Doughnut chart) 简介 Doughnut charts are similar to pie charts, however they have the centre cut out, and are therefore shaped more like a doughnut than a pie! They are aso excellent at showing the relational proportions between data. ...
labels: xValues, datasets: [{ backgroundColor: barColors, data: yValues }] }, options: { title: { display: true, text: "World Wide Wine Production" } } }); Try it Yourself »Doughnut ChartsJust change type from "pie" to "doughnut": type: "doughnut"; Try it Yourself »❮...