首先,在chart.js的配置项中,通过设置onClick回调函数来监听图表的点击事件。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 options: { onClick: function(event, elements) { // 处理点击事件的回调函数 } } 在onClick回调函数中,可以获取到鼠标点击的事件对象event和被点击的图表元素elements。
在React Chart JS中为点创建OnClick事件,可以通过以下步骤实现: 首先,确保已经安装了React Chart JS库,并在组件中导入所需的模块: 代码语言:txt 复制 import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2'; 在组件的状态中定义一个变量,用于存储被点击点的索引: 代码语言:txt 复制 state = { clickedPointIndex: ...
chart.events.click Fires when clicking on the plot background. One parameter,event, is passed to the function, containing common event information. Information on the clicked spot can be found throughevent.xAxisandevent.yAxis, which are arrays containing the axes of each dimension and each axis'...
Reproduction of the problem If I click on a bar chart for example, the event triggered in a onClick(e) function, I can do e.active[0]._model.label and get the label of the clicked data point. However, on doughnut chartjs this always retu...
click - 点击动作触发该事件。 longpress - 长按动作触发该事件。 swipe5+ SwipeEvent 组件上快速滑动后触发。 样式 名称 类型 默认值 必填 描述 width <length> | <percentage>5+ - 否 设置组件自身的宽度。 未设置时组件宽度默认为0。 height <length> | <percentage>5+ - 否 设置组件...
get href id from onclick event javascript Get ID Of Each Row Where Checkbox Value Changed get IP address using Javascript Get name of all open window in javascript Get parent object of Json object using child object angularjs get repeater length in javascript Get return value from javascript fu...
asp:Button OnClick to pass customer details. asp:Button onclick event is not working asp:Button Validation with OnClientClick javascript - Not Validating asp:control Calender how to change date format asp:FileUpload to upload to a memory string. asp:Hyperlink control - using mailto with html ...
Event Return click event. (clickDataset) Array Return the clicked dataset array. (clickElement) Array Return the clicked element in array. Array Return the clicked elements in array. Members chart Chart Chart instance. You can call Chart.js methods via this member. ...
canvas.onclick =function(evt){varactivePoints = myLineChart.getElementsAtEvent(evt);// => activePoints is an array of points on the canvas that are at the same position as the click event.}; 这个功能对于实现基于 DOM 的工具提示,或者在应用程序中触发自定义行为是有用的。
chart.on(eventName,query,handler); query 可为 string 或者 Object。 如果为 string 表示组件类型。格式可以是 'mainType' 或者 'mainType.subType'。例如: chart.on('click','series',function(){...});chart.on('click','series.line',function(){...});chart.on('click','dataZoom',function(){....