chartObj.ticks.push(10); chartObj.ticks.push(100); chartObj.ticks.push(1000); chartObj.ticks.push(10000); chartObj.ticks.push(100000); }, scaleLabel: { display: falseCompiling application & starting dev server… Console Clear on reload...
An angular-cli project based on @angular/animations, @angular/common, @angular/compiler, @angular/core, @angular/forms, @angular/platform-browser, @angular/platform-browser-dynamic, @angular/router, core-js, rxjs, tslib and zone.js 243 views2 forks ...
我使用的是Angular的chart.js 2.9.4和ng2-charts包装器。我正在尝试显示传入的实时数据,但在配置图表时遇到了问题,以便刻度/轴不会超出图表中的数据。换句话说,我希望图表数据点填满图表网格的整个宽度。 显示我的问题的StackBlitz。 如果在添加数据时不断查看图表,您会发现大部分时间刻度超出了图表中的最后一点: ...
which is easy to use with popular frontend frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular. Bryntum has a good selection of demos that show you how to use their products as web components and help you integrate Bryntum components with PHP or ASP.NET backends, Ionic ...
我被要求使用ng2图表,它在引擎盖下使用chart.js。但是,工具提示会打乱圆环图裁切部分中的文本,并且工具提示和文本都不可见。tooltips:{ yAlign: 'bottom'那么有没有让工具提示朝向另一个方向的选项呢? (这里是stackblitz项目的草案): 浏览1提问于2019-12-06得票数2 ... Thanks, Dharani. DK Dennis Kroger October 24, 2018 02:12 PM UTC Thanks again. I had forgotten to include the zoom and scrollbar services. Is there a way to invert the scroll bar as I have inverted th...
Here is simulation of version 3.5.1 where it is not working: Same simulation, but with version 3.4.1 is working fine: It is worth mentioning that way how ...
由于您直接在component类中初始化chartOptions,因此输入标题将不起作用。 您需要在Ngonit生命周期方法中初始化chartOptions。我制作了一个stackblitz示例来展示这一点。 ...
// options.js export default { title: 'Meter Chart - statuses and custom color', meter: { height: '7px', peak: 10, }, height: '120px', }; JavaScript console or build output (if relevant) No response StackBlitz repro No response IBM Application/Team (if relevant) No response What ...