如果我使用默认选项,图表加载没有问题。我必须将 Chart.types.Bar.extend 放在最后,以便默认选项正确加载。运行并全屏查看。
对于2.8+ 版(显然早在 2.2 版),现在可以对条的厚度、最大厚度等进行一些出色的控制。 根据Chart.js 文档,您可以像这样设置它们: { type:'bar',//or'horizontalBar'data: ..., options: { scales: { xAxes: [{ barThickness:6,//number (pixels) or'flex'maxBarThickness:8//number (pixels) }] }...
Chart.js学习 一、简介 Chart.js是一个基于HTML5的简单的面向对象的图表库,支持包括IE7和8的所有现代浏览器。图表库中有6种表,分别是:曲线图(Linecharts)、柱状图(Barcharts)、雷达图(Radarcharts)、饼状图(Piecharts)、极坐标区域图(Polararea charts)以及圆环图(Doughnutcharts)。并且带有动画效果(animated),...
1.安装 这里直接使用react-chartjs-2: npm install react-chartjs-2 chart.js --save 2.这里数据的构造没有做深入研究,只是简单的尝试了一下使用方式,话不多说,直接贴代码: import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { HorizontalBar, Bar, Pie, Scatter, Line, Radar, Doughnut, Polar, Bubble...
最后写js代码: var ctx = $('#myChart'); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: ['徐凤年', '裴南苇', '曹长卿', '李淳罡', '王仙芝', '温华'], datasets: [{ label: '# of 战力', data: [10, 11, 12, 14, 7, 1], ...
Chart.js has a ton of customisation features for line graphs, along with support for multiple datasets to be plotted on one chart. 柱状图(Bar charts) Bar graphs are also great at showing trend data. Chart.js supports bar charts with a load of custom styles and the ability to show multiple...
Version 2 of Polychart.js. Contribute to Polychart/polychart2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
this.barChartOptions.annotation.annotations 不是数组。它是另一个对象,如示例中所示 ...
Properties Note: For more information about possible options please refer to originalchart.jsdocumentation type: (ChartType) - indicates the type of chart, it can be:line,bar,radar,pie,polarArea,doughnutor any custom type added to Chart.js data: (ChartData<TType, TData, TLabel>) - ...
使用 ChartJS 创建条形图 这是唯一一次您必须将图表类型更改为条形。无需更改颜色选项的选项,因为条形将自动继承其背景颜色:// Create an instance of Chart object:new Chart(plots, { type: 'bar', //Declare the chart typestrong> data: { labels: months, //X-axis datastrong> datasets: [{ dat...