The Importance of Including Internal Medicare Advantage Chart Reviews to Audit PlansPopa, Andra M.Journal of Health Care Compliance
“Billions in Estimated Medicare Advantage Payments From Chart Reviews Raise Concerns,” questioned the use of chart reviews by Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. HHS OIG is concerned that the Medicare rules have enabled MA plans to make patients appear sicker than they really are to ...
There is widespread agreement that taxpayers pay more when Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans than if those beneficiaries were enrolled in traditional Medicare. MA plans are paid on the basis of submitted diagnoses and thus have a clear incentive to encourage ...
This document is a correction notice for an article titled "Coding Intensity through Health Risk Assessments and Chart Reviews in Medicare Advantage: Does It Explain Resource Use?" The authors discovered an error in the programming used for the analysis, which affected the values of resource use....