搜索引擎:Chart和graph有什么区别? 很多答案的意思都差不多,选两个: A graph is a chart that shows the mathematical relationship between varied data sets by plotting horizontal (X-axis) and vertical (Y-axis). A chart represents information as a diagram, table, or graph. It comprises various met...
这两个词都可以泛指“用直线或曲线显示信息和数据的图表、示意图”,所以在使用的时候大家会把“chart”和“graph”当成同义词替换使用。 但是,“graph”多用来强调“两个变量的数值在变化中所体现的数学关系”。比如,一张“graph”上可能会出现 X 轴和 Y 轴。 ExamplesThe graph shows how male and female ...
技术标签:ChartGraphFlexChartSpreadJSActiveReports 工作中,我们常常会遇到各式各样的数据,例如网站性能,销售业绩,客户服务 、营销活动等数据。对于这些数据,有哪些行之有效的方法来形象化数据,挖掘数据关系,提升数据价值呢? 答案就是将这些数据可视化。数据可视化主要是借助图形化的方法,清晰有效的展示数据,让关系繁杂的...
chart,diagram,graph,figure的区别chart: information in the form of a table, diagram, etc.可以看出chart强调的主要是图表中的【信息】。diagram1: a graphic design that explains rather than represents;especially: a drawing that shows arrangement and relations (as of parts)2: a line drawing made for...
Chart and Graph Ahistogramis very similar to the bar chart for afrequency distributionbased onquantitative datashowing the distribution ofqualitative data. It is a usefulgraphical representation of datathat helps to visualize thedistribution of data....
但是,“graph”多用来强调“两个变量的数值在变化中所体现的数学关系”。比如,一张“graph”上可能会出现 X 轴和 Y 轴。 The graph shows how male and female heart rates change throughout their 40s. 这张图表显示了四十到五十...
Understanding a GraphGraphs are primarily used to translate raw data, and they show the data trend over time. A graph is a two-dimensional structure with a horizontal line at the bottom and a vertical line by the side. The horizontal line is called the X-axis, while the vertical line is...
Graph and Chart Study 1.选择主题 “Themes”,以"Graph"——“preset7” 为例; 2.选择“Canvas”——“GraphChart”预制体,1.Set data categories即“设置数据类型”,each category has it's own visual settings 每个类别都有自己的视觉设置,Line Thickness等‘...
Graphs and Charts differ in the way they display and update data. VIs with Graphs usually collect the data in an array and then plot the data on a Graph, similar to a spreadsheet that first stores the data then generates a plot of it. In contrast, a Chart appends new data ...