Charlton Heston. Actor: Ben-Hur. With features chiseled in stone, and renowned for playing a long list of historical figures, particularly in Biblical epics, the tall, well-built and ruggedly handsome Charlton Heston was one of Hollywood's top leading me
Co-host: Bonnie Franklin; Guests: Charlton Heston, Fraser Heston, Susan Strasberg, Kool & the Gang, Marco Canestrelli, Roger & Roger (七月 8, 1980) Season 1, Episode 7 - Self See more This Is Your Life: 30th Anniversary Special (1981) (TV Movie) - Self All-Star Inaugural Gala...
Doup, Liz
Although often criticized for his strong conservative beliefs and involvement with the NRA, Heston was a strong advocate for civil right many years before it became fashionable, and was a recipient of the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, plus the Kennedy Center Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2002...
Charlton Heston The Actor's Life Journals, 1956-1976 作者:Charlton Heston 出版社:E. P. Dutton; First Edition (stated) edition (1978) 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780671830168 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: + 加入购书单
Treasure Islandmarked son Fraser Heston’s directing debut, and like his father, he picked material that meant something to him on a personal level, surrounding himself with the best creative technicians, and exploited the richness of actors from the U.K. There are and will continue to be ada...
表演者:Charlton Heston 介质:Audio CD 发行时间:2003-12-09 出版者:Vanguard Classics 唱片数:2 条形码:0699675125929 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听在听听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 曲目· ··· In the Beginning - Charlton Heston Annunciation...
Riding Live at the Dome; (1) Epic Show: The Live Ben Hur, Which Starred Charlton Heston in the 1959 Film, Promises the "Speed of a Musical, Depth of Great Theatre and Power of a Rock Concert" (2) Ambitious: The Show at the O2 Features 400 Performers and 100 Animals Newspaper ...
Will Penny, American western film, released in 1968, that was an intelligent and low-key study of a cowboy faced with the dilemma of middle age. Charlton Heston gave one of his finest performances in the title role. Will Penny is an aging cowboy who real
his dramatic struggle against the tyrannical subjugation of the Jews and his triumph in finding a meaning of life. Stephen Boyd, as the tribuneMessala, is a savage protagonist, treacherous in his personal relationship with Judah. Jack Haw...