MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children's Hospital in Charleston, SC is nationally ranked in 4 pediatric specialties. It is a children's general facility. It is a teaching hospital. Data from Prisma Health Richland Hospital, McLeod Regional Medical Center, and Prisma Health Greenville Memorial Hospital ...
And the city of Charleston –world-renowned for its history, architecture, culture and coastal environment – serves as a living and learning laboratory for experiences in business, science, technology, teaching, the humanities, languages, and the arts. Academics A College of Charleston education is...
The Charleston hospital strike was a two-month movement in Charleston, South Carolina that protested the unfair and unequal treatment of African American hospital workers. Protests began after twelve black employees were fired for voicing their concerns to the president of Medical College Hospital, whic...
749个Medical University of South Carolina员工的公司评论:薪资待遇,奖金福利,管理层,企业文化,年终奖,年假,晋升和工作稳定性
He graduated with honors from North Carolina State University, received his medical degree from Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, completed his Residency in Pediatrics at Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) receiving an award for outstanding senior resident for teaching and ...
“I was like a TA and running the studio. I’d spend half my day teaching and making sure no one dies, that everybody has all their limbs. But I also got to use it as my personal studio. I made a ton of work while I was there. Putting a time-limit on the job was really ...
Thank you for teaching our children, protecting our homes and making our streets safer. Thank you for keeping the peace, ensuring things run on time, protecting our natural resources, crafting laws that generally make sense and trying to keep us healthy. Despite too-frequent complaints of too ...