In 1994, at age 28, Gren and fellow certified Arborist Chris Gerards moved to Hilton Head, South Carolina to start new lives and a new company called Historic Tree Preservation Inc (HTP). With a keen focus on customer satisfaction and exceptional service, Gren and Chris grew HTP to five o...
07.21.2017 |Rooftop Bars for Viewing Total Solar Eclipse| CNN 07.11.2017 |Named #1 Hotel in Charleston| Travel + Leisure 07.11.2017 |Named #9 Hotel in the U.S.| Travel + Leisure 07.10.2017 |Where to Eat in Charleston| Golf ...
Time for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, and moonset in Charleston – South Carolina – USA. Dawn and dusk (twilight) times and Sun and Moon position. Takes into account Daylight Saving Time (DST).
South Carolina is the last state in the solar eclipse's path before it moves over the Atlantic Ocean. Charleston is packed with people eager to see the sun go dark, and some of them will watch from boats along the coast. Mark Strassmann reports.