【法语纪录片】卢瓦尔城堡的宝藏 (法语字幕)Les trésors des châteaux de la Loire 1674 -- 1:30:20 App 【法语纪录片】凡尔赛宫的宝藏(法语字幕)Les Trésors du château de Versailles 500 237 33:00 App 【法语纪录片】英法百年战争的真相与传说(法语字幕)La Guerre de Cent Ans 12.3万 553 37:21...
This chapter describes France from Charles VIII to the rise of Catherine de'Medici. Charles VIII came to the throne as a 13 year old, and, for the next nine years, was the puppet of his sister. Charles, by this dynastic marriage, was King of all France, and he seized the opportunity...
我要写书评 Histoire de Charles VIII, Roi de France的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于Histoire de Charles VIII, Roi de France的评论: feed: rss 2.0© 2005-20...
1. 查理八世 在查理八世(Charles VIII)、路易十二(Louis XII)以及法兰索瓦一世(François Ier)统治时期,这座城堡曾经声名大噪、显赫一时。 … cn.franceguide.com|基于122个网页 2. 法王查理八世 新郎是法王查理八世(Charles VIII),新娘则是布列塔尼公国女公爵安娜(Anne de Bretagne),这场改变法英两国格局的...
€ 43.95 France, Semeuse, 5 Francs, 1964, , Silver, KM:926, Gadoury:770 € 17.00 Coin, France, Charles VIII, Liard au dauphin, 1488, Toulouse (?), € 59.95 France, 2 Francs, Semeuse, 1985, Paris, Nickel, , Gadoury:547 € 59.95 版权...
(Mémoires de Jacques du Clercq, liv.I, ch.VIII) Donc, en 1445 : Une lance = 1 homme d’armes, 1 page, 1 coutillier (armurier) ou 1 guisarmier, 3 archers, soit 6 hommes, à 40 francs pour la totalité de la lance. Chaque capitaine commande donc 600 hommes. Avec les 15 capitain...
Shortly before this, the death of Francis and Henry VIII had freed Charles from his most powerful external foes, and he might now hope, aided by the pope and the new order of the Jesuits, to compel religious unity in Germany. Accordingly, he convoked a diet at Augsburg with this view;...
Who was King Charles VIII of France? Who was king of France before Charles VII? During what period was King John the king of England? How old was Henry VIII when he became king? What year did William III die? How old was Louis XVI when he became king? How old was Henry V when he...
"REINADO DE CARLOS II: El VIII Conde de Oropesa, una breve biografía (PARTE III)". REINADO DE CARLOS II. Retrieved 27 October 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) ^ Testino-Zafiropaulus 2015, pp. 273–276. ^ De Vries 2009, pp. 151–194. ^ ...
EDIT: Charles VIII at the time of his death was likely waiting the right moment for another campaign in Italy (and he also needed money and allies before starting another campaign there) Click to expand... Ok, edited accordingly with Francis being duke of Orleans and Ferdinand being I...