Byline: BETH REESE CRAVEY Clay County School Board member Charles Van Zant Jr., who's also a...By CraveyBeth Reese
Double Duty: Guard and School Board; Charles Van Zant Jr. Has Worked on the Board from Kuwait BeforeByline: BETH REESE CRAVEYCravey, Beth Reese
Creep of the Week: Charles Van ZantWitkowski, D'Anne
A South African airman buried in the Netherlands - The tragic events leading to the death of Lt Charles William McGregor, SAAFStemmet, AndréShort, H. W.van Zantvoort, AdriaanFamilia
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Clay Rep Builds His Own Church; Charles Van Zant Used Campaign Funds That Were Left Over" by Dixon, Matt - The Florida Times Union, November 25, 2012By DixonMatt
Hunt, DavidLarrabee, Brandon