Known to audiences around the world through his wide-reaching TV and radio broadcasts, Stanley modeled his 65 years of ministry after the apostle Paul’s message in Acts 20:24: “Life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling...
When It's Wise to Wait - Part 1 Are you in the process of making a decision but don't know what to do? The right timing in a situation can be critical to its outcome, especially in the life of the believer. Dr. Stanley helps us discover how waiting on the Lord leads to His ver...
At left is actor Stanley Smith, and at center, holding Wynn’s hand, is a brunette Ginger Rogers, with chorus girls from George White’s Scandals. (IMDB) PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE WINDOW…Noisy cameras were enclosed in soundproof boxes in the early days of the talkies. Ab...
Among the actors he worked with during his time with Karno was another future comedy star, was Arthur Stanley Jefferson, known on stage as Stan Laurel. Stan ultimately served as Chaplin's understudy and backup while with the Karno company. Charlie met a girl in the chorus line named Hetty ...
“It’s just a hopeless situation. I feel sorry for people who invest their money. We have had a nice ride, but soon the whole thing will come tumbling down. They listen to all these things and have no clue on how to invest . . . . I think soon . . . this will become the ...
William Stanley 01/28/2020 • Mr. Hunter, Yikes! (However, the $60,000 number for gold — assuming a gold standard — IS intriguing). Reply Greg Hunter 01/28/2020 • William, I had no idea he was going to say this. I was a little stunned. I should have pressed him on ...
She shows them to Frankie. The message on the cards says, "Because I promised." They go to Rosedale Cemetery and when he meets the caretaker, Frankie pretends to be a reporter and asks if anybody lately has been around Vicki’s grave. There were many flowers at the funeral, and ...
Philip is thought to be the last person who called her by her childhood moniker. At the time, the palace would not comment on the personal detail as it was "private." As seen inside Westminster Abbey Monday, the Queen's coffin was draped in the Royal Standard, on which was laid theImp...
For more on King Charles' coronation, listen below to our daily podcast PEOPLE Every Day. "The husband of a reigning Queen, unlike a Queen Consort, is not crowned or anointed at the coronation ceremony," the palace states. "In 1953 The Duke of Edinburgh was, however, the first peer to...
Johnny Cash,the immortal man in black, plays the very unstable Johnny Cabot, who is part of a gang of thugs who terrorize a small town. This is a low-budget thriller later released asDoor to Door Maniac.I could listen to Cash tune his guitar while drinking warm beer and I’d be sati...