Pallbearers will be all nephews, Will Jones, Rodney Johnson, Hrair Johnson, Buddy Johnson, Cory Johnson, Jeffrey Girty, and Joshua Girty. Services will be held at the Yellowhill Baptist Church of which he was a member. Bear will be taken to Yellowhill Baptist on Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 5 ...
362 CHARLES JONES. [Obituary. CHARLES JONES, born a t Beccles, Suffolk, on the 13th Rfarc11, 1830, died a t Ealing on the 24th August, 1913. After receiving : I municipal training, nnd practising for a time as an architect, he wasappointedEngineerandSurveyortoEalingLocal Board in 1863...
(6)CHRISTOPHER BENJAMIN (1934-2025).Actor Christopher Benjamindied January 10at the age of 90. The portion of his career of interest to sff fans is noted by theGuardian’sobituary: With a portly but athletic physicality, a rich baritone voice, a bloodhound, drooping visage and a sarcastic s...
Respeecher employees in Kyiv also soldiered on while hunkered down. Dmytro Bielievtsov, the company’s cofounder and CTO, got online in a theater where tabletops, books, and more had been stacked in front of windows in case of blasts. Programmers “training” the A.I. to replicate Jone...
Adams, who was described as level-headed, is known for his good gestures. Theodore Jones has been a member of Hartford Memorial for over 30 years. He's got to see firsthand the graciousness of Adams. He says Adams sent him a card with condolences after his father died in 2002. Days ...
[Obituary. which supervened, wasmore than his enfeebled system could stand, and he died at Penzance on the 5th of April, 1894. Mr. Forrest was energetic and capable as an engineer, and had great control of the men under his charge. He was an excellent Spanish scholar, and was ...
Obituary: Charles Peter BroadHoyle, JohnRoweJones, Colin
Jones, Arthur