DARWIN, Charles (1809-1882). On theth Century
A concise but comprehensive and state-of-the-art summary of Darwin’s life at long-article length, with a rich discussion near the end of the development of Darwin scholarship. Also published as a separate volume, entitledDarwin, in the Very Interesting People series. ...
Charles Darwin’s life and work must be one of the most well documented of any scientist. We still have hisBeagle Journal, most of hisnotebooks, much of his vastcorrespondence, many of the annotated books from hispersonal library, many of his own loose papers and draftmanuscripts, not forget...
"Witness History: Witness Archive 2016" The Funeral of Charles Darwin (Podcast Episode 2016) - Plot summary, synopsis, and more...
Charles Darwin - Evolution, Natural Selection, Beagle Voyage: The circumnavigation of the globe would be the making of the 22-year-old Darwin. Five years of physical hardship and mental rigour, imprisoned within a ship’s walls, offset by wide-open oppor
Charles Darwin - Evolution, Natural Selection, Theory: Through the 1860s natural selection was already being applied to the growth of society. A.R. Wallace saw cooperation strengthening the moral bonds within primitive tribes. Advocates of social Darwini
Edit As a product of natural selection, the human species has nevertheless managed to transcend the evolutionary process by developing altruism. Dawkins explores the social and political implications of evolution--and how some proponents have misused science to promote genocide, eugenics, and ethnic cle...
By presenting an overview of the findings of the research project that Charles Darwin University (CDU) and its partners have been undertaking over the past 12 months, the current paper goes some way in addressing this shortfall. The purpose of this discussion paper is to draw together three ...