巴列霍书写 孤独,在饿得要死 之际; 梵高的耳朵被妓女 拒收; 兰波跑去非洲 寻找黄金,结果染上了 无法治愈的梅毒; 贝多芬耳朵变聋; 庞德被装在笼子里 从大街上拖过; 查特顿服食了老鼠药; 海明威的脑浆溅到 橙汁中; 帕斯卡在浴缸里 割腕; 阿尔托被关入疯人院; 陀思妥耶夫斯基靠墙站立,濒临死刑; 克莱恩跳进一...
FAX Poem #1a far cry from the poetry in Bukowski's first chapbook,Flower, Fist, and Bestial Wail, published in an edition of 200 copies by Hearse Press out of Eureka, California in 1960, which introduced readers to the major themes that informed many of his works, particularly “the sens...
Charles Bukowski It’s when you begin to lie to yourself in a poem in order to simply make a poem, that you fail. Charles Bukowski Bad taste creates many more millionaires than good taste. Charles Bukowski Charles Bukowski Love Quotes As most of the people are aware of the well-known ...
Charles Bukowski Friday, January 3, 2003 poem poems cat Download image of this poem. Report this poem COMMENTS OF THE POEM Jonny Brackney 15 December 2011 Yes, there is a kindness stored away in Bukowski. As he reveals in his poem 'Bluebird' which is my favorite poem from him. ...
Death and Mortality Death is another recurring theme in Bukowski's work, and it is present in many of the poems in this collection. In "The Death Of An Idiot", he writes about the death of a friend, and in "The Last Days Of The Suicide Kid", he describes the thoughts and emotions...
Charles Bukowski A poem is a city A poem is a city filled with streets and sewers filled with saints, heroes, beggars, madmen, filled with banality and booze, filled with rain and thunder and periods of drought, A poem is a city at war, ...
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet. I would like to translate this poem Poems By Charles Bukowski And The Moon And The Stars And The World An Almost Made Up Poem A Smile To Remember Be Kind Bluebird See All Poems by Charles Bukowski Next...
Trailer 1:56 You Never Had It: An Evening With Bukowski 1 Edit Height 1.82 m Born August 16,1920 Andernach, Germany Died March 9,1994 Los Angeles, California, USA(leukemia) Spouses Linda Lee Bukowski1985 - March 9, 1994 (his death) ...
So this is a poem, by Charles Bukowski. This man saved my life multiple times, so” I changed jobs and cities, I hated holidays, babies, history, newspapers, museums, grandmothers, marriage, movies, spiders, garbageman,English accents, Spain, France, Italy, walnuts and the color orange. ...
1920年,美军在一战后占领德国,Charles Bukowski出生在一个由德裔美籍中士和德国母亲组建的家庭。3岁的时候,德国经济停滞不前,通胀严重,父亲决定带着家人搬回美国,先安顿在马里兰,并在他10岁的时候搬到了洛杉矶。大萧条时代的阴郁和压抑通过他暴戾的父亲贯穿了他的童年,伴随着他走进青春期。青春痘紧跟着在他青春的脸...