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year, all hunting for a bargain.Charity shops were, it seemed, recessionproof.Until, that was, their donations began to dry up.The quantity of goods given is down at charity shops across Merseyside and Cheshire, but they're still getting more customers through the doors than ever.The result...
I also found the Gretna Outlet Village and was in two minds about whether to mention its existence to Mrs W when she arrived, but my conscience got the better of me and we headed over to take a look. Luckily there were no shops that really passed her approval, and from my point of ...
I also found the Gretna Outlet Village and was in two minds about whether to mention its existence to Mrs W when she arrived, but my conscience got the better of me and we headed over to take a look. Luckily there were no shops that really passed her approval, and from my point of ...