To learn more about how you could sponsor this event please see the Sponsorship tab of this website orClick here for Sponsorship Opportunities. Letter from Children's Health Thanking the Texas Shotgun and Aviation Community Host Golf Course ...
Consider it an early tee time, since the Putnam Rotary Club'sannual charity golf tournament...Reports, From
Registration - NOW Open... Sponsor Today... Support our 2025 Orlando Meltdown… Title Sponsor… Premium Sponsors… Please give us feedback from this years tournament. Name* First Last* Last Email* Subject* Message* reCAPTCHA Δ
Immaculate Conception Church - 11th Annual Share Life Charity Golf Tournament Villa Colombo - 27th Annual Golf Toronto Argonauts Alumni Association - 18th Annual Golf Fun Day Holy Angels Catholic School - Family Dinner & Dance The Country Club - Annual Veterans Golf Day Canadian Cancer Society - Ca...
Whether you’re planning a gala fundraising dinner, silent auction, golf tournament, or bowl-a-thon, the Event Planning Bundle brings together six eLearning courses to help you and your organization get the most out of your special events. Buy the Event Planning Bundle for $504.90 and you’...
This might take a few weeks but there is always plenty of support for a moustache or beard competition. There are lots of ways of generating funds from an entry fee charged to participants to take part, to sponsorship of individuals, or bets on who will win. Add in a wacky photo competi...
This might take a few weeks but there is always plenty of support for a moustache or beard competition. There are lots of ways of generating funds from an entry fee charged to participants to take part, to sponsorship of individuals, or bets on who will win. Add in a wacky photo competi...