b. Of, for, or concerned with charity: a charitable donation. See Synonyms at benevolent. 2. a. Lenient or forbearing in judging others. b. Characterized by lenient or forbearing judgment: a charitable interpretation of the politician's remarks. char′i·ta·ble·ness n. char′i·ta·...
Organisation name / Contact Person / Contact Number / Email Id / Reson for donation / Once we reveive your details will send you the memebership details. THANK YOU FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP. WE HAVE 1000's of REGISTERED MEMBER WITH US.
In this episode of Shopify Masters, we chat with Jem Stein, the founder of The Bike Project. Jem shares how a friendship sparked the idea for an organization that donates bikes to refugees and how he’s built a profitable business model restoring and sel
The other thing that we're doing is that we've added a donation as a product. So one of the products that you cross-sell is the ability to donate a bike to a refugee or donate accessories, we have different levels that you can donate at with different prices. And that's been ...
important bit in terms of upselling the cause. And when they add it to their basket, we then give them the opportunity either to buy an accessory or to buy a bike for a refugee, so essentially a donation but you kind of pitch it as, "Why don't you purchase a bike for a refugee...