Electron correlations often lead to emergent orders in quantum materials, and one example is the kagome lattice materials where topological states exist in the presence of strong correlations between electrons. This arises from the features of the electronic band structure that are associated with the...
A free neutron—one that is not incorporated into a nucleus—is subject toradioactive decayof a type calledbeta decay. It breaks down into a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino (theantimattercounterpart of theneutrino, a particle with no charge and little or no mass); thehalf-lifefor...
Photoinduced CDW state with topological defects in this material has been discovered from ultrafast electron diffraction and related studies7,28. The non-centrosymmetry in LaTe3 was established from the structure determined by single crystal x-ray crystallography33 as well as from the appearance of ...
The latter case corresponds to either adiabatic or nonadiabatic electron transfer of the Landau鈥揨ener type. The former case was discovered by the author and is employed for explaining the origin of intensive narrow optical bands.doi:10.1023/A:1021923831314V. V. Egorov...
When copper loses one electron from its 4s orbital, it forms the copper(I) ion (Cu⁺) with a +1 charge and an electron configuration of [Ar]3d¹⁰. On the other hand, copper can also lose two electrons, one from the 4s orbital and one from the 3d orbital. This results in ...
How would that affect the motion of electron 1? h. Because electron 1 contributes to the total electrostatic force on electrons 2 and 9, how is the motion of those electrons affected? How, in turn, is the motion of the remaining elec- trons affected? i. What effect does increasing the...
An electron has been turned into a spiralling wave of mass and charge, with the help of a laser.“Chirality, or handedness, is an interesting and still in part enigmatic feature of our universe,” says Peter Baum at the University of Konstanz in Germany. Chiral objects, like coils o...
Nanoscale self-organization of electrons is ubiquitously observed in correlated electron systems such as complex oxides of transition metals. The phenomenon of charge ordering (CO) or the formation of charge stripes, as observed for layered-structure cuprates and nickelates, is one such example. Amo...
by the Ru-dz2orbitals near the Fermi level (see Fig.1b). The electron-phonon coupling induced critical temperatureTc, estimated from the phonon dispersion17, was found to be much smaller than the experimental value. Thus, the enhancement ofTcin LaRu3Si2was attributed to the presence of the ...
In contrast to thermocatalysis, electrocatalysis involves the transfer of electrons and protons which electrochemical potentials needs to be calculated. The Computational Hydrogen Electrode (CHE) approach considers entirely proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) steps and derives these electrochemical potential...