A year prior to the events of the story, she had achieved fame as the new Monster of the Nationals, but pushed herself too hard, and now has her teammates watching out for her. Her teammates call her Princess. Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass - Jindai plays at her best when she's ...
When first watching the original Buffyverse Big Bad stalk in his cave awaiting the moment he can kill the Slayer, the Master feels too on the nose: So vampire! Much gloomy! But Mark Metcalf figured out early that to be a successful Buffyverse villain, you had to lace your gloominess ...
Karma Houdini - Despite all that she has done like make Nyx's childhood a living hell and criticizing the bodyguards who died watching her back as "useless", nothing truly bad ever happens to Elina until the first OAV. Lack of Empathy Missing Mom - Just like Leina, Maria's death really...
Scoutmaster Season shows that he once jerked off while secretly watching Goro doing it in the past Dark and Troubled Past: He joined Camp Buddy as its instructor with hope and enthusiasm, but years of lacking in successful result and Goro not reciprocating his feelings wore him down, ...