Star Wars is a space opera saga created by George Lucas that became one of the most successful and influential multimedia franchises in entertainment history. Begun in the 1970s and ’80s and resuscitated at the turn of the 21st century, the series advan
Also ranks #35 on Breakout TV Characters Who Are Basically The Whole Reason You Watch Their Shows, Ranked 31 Han Solo Star Wars Universe 5,638 votes Han Solo's roguish charm and quick wit made him a fan favorite in the Star Wars universe. With his piloting skills and ...
While his abusive behavior towards Carol is difficult to watch, it serves as a reminder of the challenges survivors face when rebuilding society. 21 Hannah Montana Hannah Montana 7,765 votes Hannah Montana's dual identity as a pop star and ordinary teenager brought joy to fans of the h...
Fanfiction: Having Fun My Genre Wishlist Science Fiction Faux Pas No Mirrors: Character Description in First Person I’d love to see you there! In addition, I’ll also be at the big book signing and moving around the con conversing and attending other panels. ...
Disney+ has plenty of Christmas movie content to comb through and suit your tastes. The service's library is packed with modern fan favorites and classics ranging from short films, heartwarming family movies, Mickey Mouse, or festive fare set in the Star Wars and Marvel universes. Fans will ...
The presentation is quite reminiscent of Overwatch actually, so if you enjoy that game, chances are you’ll enjoy this too. Play Mech Arena for free. Play for free Forge of Empires This free-to-play mobile strategy game is one that delivers on multiple fronts. First of all, you get ...
Actually, there is one character who might be even more synonymous with Star Trek, depending on which fan you ask. Captain James Tiberius Kirk was the most famous captain of the Enterprise, revered by the Federation as a skilled diplomat and brilliant tactician. His methods were diverse; he ...
Anyone who knows me well enough should know that I am very much a Star Wars fan (several of my Avatars alone demonstrate this, to say nothing for everything else). So with that in mind, is it any wonder that I'm also a huge fan of the premiere Star Wars female? The thing about ...
(Halo) Mewtwo (Pokemon) Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) Silver the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) Sonic the hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) Kratos (God of War) Apprentice (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed) Oni (Super Street Fighter 4 AE) 0 Error Reporting See a factual error in ...
Mr. Game & Watch was harvested for this reason to create The Subspace Army. On the Smash Dojo, it is stated that Mr. Game & Watch allowed this to happen because he has no concept of good and evil. Mr. Game & Watch has been featured in the Bleedman Character Art, Smashing in the...