Mary Poppins is a magical nanny who brings joy and adventure to the lives of the Banks children. Her whimsical nature, wisdom, and ability to teach important life lessons through song and play make her a beloved character in Disney's Mary Poppins. Played By: Julie Andrews Also...
Mary Poppins is vain and often irritable, but within her stern exterior lurk all kinds of delightful wonder. She can slide up banisters, float in the air, step into pictures, stick stars on the sky, and talk to animals. Mary takes the Banks children on a series of magical adventures, ...
Fantasy fiction is full of compelling characters—some of whom we'd love to meet in real life, some of whom we're glad to only know through the pages of a book or on a screen. We've rounded up 50 ofThe Portaliststaff's picks for the best fantasy characters ever. Let us know who...
S. Lewis and represent the Messiah, given the Christian repurposing of Mary Poppins. Pete Munch Homicide: Life on the Street and Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (TV Series) MIM An American astronaut and avid conspiracy theorist who speculates on the origins of the Selenites. He is the...
Mary, The Archmage, The Captain of the Guard, Elisa Maza, Peter Maza, Diane Maza, Derek Maza, Beth Maza, Macbeth, Duncan, Gillecomgain, Grouch, Lulach, Boite, Canmore, Coyote, Wolf, Jackal, Hyena, Dingo, Fox, Tony Dracon, Glasses, Pal Joey, Margot Yale, Brendan Quarters, Jeffrey Robb...
Mary PoppinsJulie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke inMary Poppins(1964), directed by Robert Stevenson. The Disney studio was among the first toforeseethe potential oftelevisionas a popular entertainment medium and to produce programs directly for it. TheZorroandDavy Crockettseries were very popular with ...
Beneath her eccentric exterior and love of couture lies a motherly figure whose loyalty leads her to return from death itself to avenge her murdered apprentices. 23 Mary Poppins Mary Poppins 1,214 votes Mary Poppins is the mysterious, vain yet whimsical magical English nanny who uses her ...
Mary Poppinsis one of the most iconic characters in fiction. The perfect Nanny who comes floating in on a warm breeze and leaves you and your children with a smile on your faces and a lightness in your hearts. To parents, she is a priceless caretaker. To children, she is the ultimate ...
Mary Poppins (1964): "The Giant Cat of Sumatra" (Hank Davis) 412 The Mary Tyler Moore Show (TV): The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror (Daniel Pinkwater) 515 The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932): The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death (Daniel Pinkwater) 370 The Masked Terror ...
The Complete and fabulous Adventures of Mary Poppins - August Conrad Dole: "The Poyle" (Bill DeArmond) 108 Complete Brazilian Peerage: A Samba for Sherlock (Jô Soares) 94 The Complete Dog Book: The Barker Street Regulars (Susan Conant) 215 The Complete History of Jack the Ripper: Bloodlin...