Vikings: Valhalla picks up about a century after its predecessor ends, delving into one of the most intense periods of medieval history. Normans, the English, and Scandinavians were no longer distinguishable in bloodlines, loyalties, or rule. The influence of Scandinavian culture exten...
For most of us, Thor is probably our first thought when we think about the greatest Viking characters of all time. After all, Thor is ripped, carries a hammer, and speaks with a pseudo-British accent - just like the Vikings of old. Also, he's appeared in roughly 57 Marvel movies at...
earning a much-deserved statuette for his performance in the FX spy drama’s final season, but Russell was undoubtedly just as worthy. (Ever the gentleman, Rhys credited his co-star as “the woman who truly got me this
Ibn Fadlan was sent from Baghdad in 921 to serve as the secretary to an embassy from the Abbasid Caliph al-Muqtadir to the Volga Vikings. On 21 June 921, he set a diplomatic party led by Susan al-Rassi. The purpose of their mission was to explain Islamic law to the recently converted...
Ibn Fadlan was sent from Baghdad in 921 to serve as the secretary to an embassy from the Abbasid Caliph al-Muqtadir to the Volga Vikings. On 21 June 921, he set a diplomatic party led by Susan al-Rassi. The purpose of their mission was to explain Islamic law to the recently converted...
The three factions in For Honor (Knights, Vikings and Samurais) are made up of heroes. These For Honor heroes are assigned a class, which makes them unique and define their abilities and key attributes in a battle. They are well-balanced heroes and the playable characters of the For Honor...
Alfred Æthelwulfson Wessex, Earl (Count) of Dorset: As the Vikings push further south, Earl Alfred of Dorset is readying his troops. In the coming years, Alfred will fight numerous battles against the Norsemen and put an end to the invasion. When he inherits his brother's throne, he...
Alfred Æthelwulfson Wessex, Earl (Count) of Dorset: As the Vikings push further south, Earl Alfred of Dorset is readying his troops. In the coming years, Alfred will fight numerous battles against the Norsemen and put an end to the invasion. When he inherits his brother's throne, he...
Vikings: Valhallapicks up about a centuryafter its predecessor ends, delving into one of the most intense periods of medieval history. Normans, the English, and Scandinavians were no longer distinguishable in bloodlines, loyalties, or rule. The influence of Scandinavian culture extends...