Don Lino Shark Tale 200 votes As the powerful great white shark mob boss in Dreamworks' Shark Tale, Don Lino exhibits both menace and a paternal side, making him a compelling antagonist. His insistence on upholding traditional predatory roles clashes with his son Lenny's pacifist nature, cre...
As the underdog in a race against the speedy and arrogant Max Hare, Toby prevails against all odds through his perseverance and refusal to give up. His victory in the iconic fable remains a powerful reminder that slow and steady wins the race. Toby Tortoise's legendary tale and tenacious ...
Even in the most Archetypal terms this conflict is an insufficient process to fully describe an argument, for it fails to address many other basic concerns that will naturally occur in the minds of audience members, and must therefore be incorporated in the Story Mind as well. That is why th...
Rumor has it they were both in the Internova Police Force together in the distant past, but having been kicked out of the force Goroh turned to crime. In fact his ship itself, the Fire Stingray, is believed to be stolen. Known for his brash behavior, Goroh has a huge physique to ...
Glenn Whipp\\ Film Writer
This is a list of minor or background characters who are referenced, alluded or feature in cameo appearances in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comics, graphic novels and prose stories by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill. This list exclusively does not include main or supporting characters...
but few of these tales have found permanent popularity. The master of the art fairy tale, whose works rank with the traditional stories in universal popularity, is the Danish writerHans Christian Andersen. Though his stories have their roots in folklegend, they are personal in style and contain...
In a world as bleak and cynical and grim as George RR Martin's, noble and morally upright characters tend to not succeed (when they're actually around to begin with), and the concept of a "knight in shining armor" is considered a fairy tale in-universe as much as it is here. But ...
"The Adventure of the Orkney Shark" (Simon Bestwick) 306; Watson's Last Case (Ian Charnock) 183; Sherlock Holmes and the Apocalypse Murders (Barry Day) 60, 64, 74; The 6 Messiahs (Mark Frost) 85; A Study in Silks (Emma Jane Holloway) 45, 52-53, 389, 423; "Celeste" (Neil Ja...
Kaede is an original character, created by BritsMc13 (formerly known as Strenghtandharmony). No background is given to the character. Kaede is young man with short spiked black hair and black eyes. He is dressed casually, in white shirt with black stripe