Finding Nemo 33votes Gurgle, the comically neurotic Royal Gramma fish inFinding Nemo, presents an interesting parallel to the protagonist, Marlin. Serving as a key member of the tank gang, Gurgle frequently expresses unwarranted anxiety about his surroundings and potential dangers. However, it is th...
Belle is an intelligent and compassionate young woman who sees beyond appearances in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Her love for books, kindness towards others, and unwavering belief in finding beauty within make her a beloved character. Played By: Paige O'Hara Also ranks #1 on...
Finding Nemois a great example of how to create not just a great lead character, but an exciting array of likable characters who all offer something different. Each character has a unique personality, and whilefish and other sea creaturesaren't something humans can really relate with, because ...
Energy Law Update: Finding NEMO - Two Central I-SEM Characters Swim into ViewMcLay, Peter
Marlin and Dory in 'Finding Nemo'.Photo: Pixar/Disney Finding Nemoremains one of Pixar's most beloved films, telling the story of Marlin, a clownfish desperately searching for his missing son. On his quest, Marlin teams with a forgetful regal blue tang, Dory, as they venture through the ...
题目"Finding Nemo" is a great movie because it offers ___. A. funny characters B. deep emotions C. adventurous story 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C。答案解析:选项 A 有趣的角色是《海底总动员》的特点之一,但本题强调的是主要推荐理由为冒险的故事。选项 B 深刻的情感在电影中也有体现,但不是最...
Cagliostro, Torgo, Mel, Rabbit, Tatiana, Sharla, Toucan Dan, Ned the Elephant, Cheetata & Cheetato, Smolder the Bear, The Three Natives, Little Jimmy, Pumbaa Jr., Kiara, Kovu, Zira, Nuka, Vitani, Kion, Bunga, Beshte, Fuli, Ono, Anga, Janja, Cheezi & Chungu, Nne & Tano, Mzingo...
Gill is Moorish Idol fish that plays a large role inFinding Nemo, helping Nemo find his way back home and discover important lessons about the world on his way. He's the leader of the Tank Gang, another group of aquatic creatures that have been separated from their families. Joining theFi...
This is a list of minor or background characters who are referenced, alluded or feature in cameo appearances in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comics, graphic novels and prose stories by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill. This list exclusively does not include main or supporting characters...
, Mr. Bonkers Grim Jr. and Minimandy. Despite the fact that the group never made it to the comics, all members have appeared seperately in the comics, either as full characters or as cameos. Kids From Down Below has been featured in Bleedman Character Art, K.D.B....