Considered one of the top female characters in fantasy literature and film, Éowyn resonates profoundly with audiences for her bravery, complexity, and rejection of traditional roles assigned to women. Her iconic line, "I am no man," as she confronts and vanquishes the seemingly...
Lightning Final Fantasy 3,316 votes Lightning, originally introduced as Claire Farron in Final Fantasy XIII, is a determined and driven character with a deep sense of duty. As the primary protagonist, her journey involves both physical battles and internal struggles. Despite her cold demeanor, sh...
Minor Human characters in High School DxD. See also: Kuoh Academy Students Issei's parents are like any normal parents, who often complain on how much of a pervert he is, despite this they still value and love their son dearly. It's revealed in Volume 20
Monster in Capsule $5399 $89.99 By Maksim_Bugrimov ✓ Extended Use License ✓ mid poly ✓ game ready ✓ rigged ✓ pbr ✓ photorealistic ✓ obj ✓ fbx ✓ blend ✓ abc Explorer Mountain Climber Rigged $6000 By Albin ✓ Extended Use License ✓ high poly ✓ print ready ...
Dead Boy Detectivesis set in the same fantasy world ofNeil Gaiman'sSandmanas it follows teen sleuths Edwin (George Rexstrew) and Charles (Jayden Revri), who happen to be ghosts and have set up a detective agency for those in the spirit world in need of mysteries to be solved. Edwin ...
Japanese Title ハイスクールD×D (Highschool D×D) Japanese Studio Name ティー・エヌ・ケー English Studio Name TNK Companies Involved ( Add ) KADOKAWA Content Rating M - Mature Genre Tags ( Add ) romance, fantasy, school, ecchi Release Date 2012/01/06 Friday [ View Characters ] Li...
The Dark Mage is a possible reference to the iconic Black Mage class that appears throughout the Final Fantasy series. He is unmentioned in the Japanese version.[20] In the remake, the Dark Mage is mentioned in Western languages, but is still unmentioned in Eastern languages. As Culex's ...
of Final Fantasy VII protagonist Cloud Strife, she spent her time managing her own bar, 7th Heaven. Reuniting with him years after they’d been separated, she immediately recruited him to aid her cause in taking down Shinra. With having such an attractive childhood friend, how could he ...
Disney characters, in character ; In Fantasyland expansion, Belle and others get up close and personalLambert, Marjie
The foil is a character whose personality and general disposition is completely at odds with that of the protagonist. They are not necessarily an antagonist, but their difference from the main character is meant to highlight certain qualities in both characters. ...