Quagmire Quarrel • NOT QUICK • The Scene Trilogy • Battle for The Golden Popularity Star • Object Shitshow • Battle For A Hotel • Object Baker • Battle For Object Island by MetallizSucks • The Nightly Object Show by GamingLeaf • Þe Crescendo Moonly Object Gameshow)...
Michael Afton is the security guard you play as in the first FNAF game, where the animatronics mistake him for his father. Like his family, most of the information about his personality and life comes from the retro minigames you play throughout the series, though there are also tidbits of...
Muscular, wearing a huge, metal pyramid on his head (it's not just a clever name) and wielding a knife roughly the size of a helicopter blade, he's first seen in twisted copulation with another of the game's nightmare creations and his ongoing, nefarious presence served to keep players ...
While we have also included Millhouse, the majority of the characters below will be recognized from various Disney projects such as Up, Soul, and Encanto. The latter is a great example of how Mirabel looks even more like her character than her similar-looking voice actress Stephanie...
Rudolf Wernicke –one of the more prominent scientists in the Corporation, with ties to the first The Outlast game. Security Guards –guards protect the scientists of the Corporation, mostly from their experiments. Neutral Characters Skinner Man –a ghostly apparition that only appears when the pro...
Also, clothing-wise, she looks a bit like Lucia from the obscure NES/Famicom game The Wing of Madoola. Also, she shares some personality quirks with Rock Howard: both are emotional blondes, lost their mothers at a young age (and their names are very similar), live between people of ...
Joker tends to create drama with a certain flair for the overtly dramatic, essentially making a game out of his traps/operations. Though when interacting with him while he's not engaged with his role, Joker seems to be a rather friendly guy. While michevious in his nature, Joker likes to...
“We’re also introducing our Kameo Fighter system which brings a unique roster of partner characters into the mix, and we are looking forward to showing this feature as well as more new elements of the game very soon.” Starting tomorrow, May 19,Mortal Kom...
to make a living. She hates wearing shoes with such a passion she made a life pact to herself to never wear them again when she ran away (heist and game mode outfits are non canon). She also owns her own MC club called the Twisted Angels, as well as her own nightclub and business...
Speaking of Guilty Gear. I'm shocked Gungrave has never made it in a Guilty Gear game even as DLC. He looks like a GG character. Have any of your own? It can be unintentional or fully intentional nods. Bite my shiny metal cockpit!