This is a list of object show characters, divided by the show they originate from. Due to the amount of shows, this article has been split into multiple subpages, with each having 10 shows in it. There is a waitlist of object shows waiting to be added. M
Michael Afton is the security guard you play as in the first FNAF game, where the animatronics mistake him for his father. Like his family, most of the information about his personality and life comes from the retro minigames you play throughout the series, though there are also tidbits of...
This is a list of characters from the Digimon game Digimon World: Next Order. Japanese: Chika Sakamoto (WarGreymon), Mayumi Yamaguchi (MetalGarurumon) WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon are the Partners of the Hero. They are able to perform ExE to Omegamon wi
Also, clothing-wise, she looks a bit like Lucia from the obscure NES/Famicom game The Wing of Madoola. Also, she shares some personality quirks with Rock Howard: both are emotional blondes, lost their mothers at a young age (and their names are very similar), live between people of ...
Muscular, wearing a huge, metal pyramid on his head (it's not just a clever name) and wielding a knife roughly the size of a helicopter blade, he's first seen in twisted copulation with another of the game's nightmare creations and his ongoing, nefarious presence served to keep players ...
Speaking of Guilty Gear. I'm shocked Gungrave has never made it in a Guilty Gear game even as DLC. He looks like a GG character. Have any of your own? It can be unintentional or fully intentional nods. Bite my shiny metal cockpit!
grace doesn’t hesitate to fight for her life. weaving portrays grace with a perfect blend of vulnerability and determination as she navigates the twisted game night from hell. from wielding makeshift weapons in her wedding dress to outsmarting her wealthy and deranged relatives at every turn, gr...
, Howard, President Zawadski, Chernaya country, Moss, Rosenberg, Davila, Brun (6), SRP Supplies, Alethea Industries, Essex Scientific (8), Steven, Jeff Cunningham (9), Lunar Holdings (10), Veneiro's, Magnolia bakery, Monteleone bakery, Secret Wars board game (12)...
Joker tends to create drama with a certain flair for the overtly dramatic, essentially making a game out of his traps/operations. Though when interacting with him while he's not engaged with his role, Joker seems to be a rather friendly guy. While michevious in his nature, Joker likes to...
While we have also included Millhouse, the majority of the characters below will be recognized from various Disney projects such as Up, Soul, and Encanto. The latter is a great example of how Mirabel looks even more like her character than her similar-looking voice actress Stephanie...