Friends, popular American television sitcom that aired on NBC from 1994 to 2004. It won six Emmy Awards, including outstanding comedy series, and, from its second season until the end of its run, it maintained a top five or better Nielsen rating, hitting
Harry, the oldest son, lost his wife (whom his mother never liked) at sea and reveals to his family at the birthday party that he believes he is responsible for her death. He is haunted by the Eumenides (creatures from Greek tragedy who haunt those who have committed murder). He is th...
HHT Chapter 92 a-new-enemy-and-an-unexpected-reunion He is from a distinguished military family of appointed nobles who have animosity towards the Urquhart Holy Empire due to prior family leaders being killed in previous wars.[68] Lodonnei[] Lodonnei Japanese ロドネイ Romaji Rodonei Charact...
Before he could answer Dessy, a quick telepathic scan from Joss swept over him. Pietas had still been a teenager when she'd trained him to shield his mind from those with her gift. Not that he'd ever been able to block her. She was far too powerful, but today, she'd read him wit...
American Pie, American Pie 2, American Reunion 239 votes Christopher Russell "Oz" Ostreicher, from the American Pie series, is a lovable jock who joins the jazz choir to shed his insensitive reputation and ultimately finds love with Heather. Oz's sincerity and relatable struggle with identity ma...
Longtime TV critic Dan Avery charts the history of gay, queer, and transgender representation in popular American series from 1971 to today, from Ellen to Pose.
Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival through various means. They often pay tribute to their ancestors, decorate the house and cook up a storm for the family reunion on the Chinese New Year's Eve. This year, Uncle Hanzi will celebrate with Aunt Wu and her family, sending New...
"Family Shrub" (pictured) Jim Snapes[] Jim Snapes is a frog who tried to get Bessie at an auction, but Hop Pop won it and got Bessie. According to Hop Pop, he is a nefarious frog, so he decided to raise his bid to save Bessie from Snapes. Sightings "Anne Theft Auto" (flashbac...
During the "End Of Greys" story arc in which the Shi'ar Death Commandos were eradicating members of the Grey family because of their genome, Phyliss and Roy are invited to the Grey family reunion. Just as they reach the front door they are murdered by the commando Warskull so that the ...
While both are good-natured and charismatic characters who easily make friend with many, capable of inspiring the others, and is well loved, they both have very different background: Keitaro comes from an average family with no problem in particular, but otherwise is a normal and happy one, ...