Frances 'Baby' Houseman is a fictional character from the 1987 film Dirty Dancing. Played By: Jennifer Grey 107 Meg March Little Women 215 votes Meg March is a fictional character from Little Women. Played By: Emma Watson 108 Chihiro Ogino Spirited Away 1,045 votes Spirited Aw...
The groundbreaking superhero from the Marvel Comics universe and the star of Ryan Coogler's 2018 blockbuster, this African prince turned king must protect his hi-tech, hidden nation and assume the mantle of Black Panther. With his unique vibranium suit, he battles threats both...
Arms Dealer Boss 0 Bane 0 Bane (senior) 0 Barge Captain 0 Batman 0 Batman (gene spliced mutation) 0 Beefee Buger Dirive-thru Worker 0 Bellboy 0 Bennie 0 Big Jim Tate 0 Big T 0 Big Time (mutation) 0 Bill Wallace 0 Blade 0 Bobby Vance 0 Bombshell 0 Boom ...
the Adams from both sides stayed dormant, but they came at his friend and he like a predator that found its prey, he lost an arm from that sudden attack, but the Adam who came charging at his friend also lost its arm, soon, when his head was cut off, it just stopped right in fro...
Of the 143724 characters on Anime Characters Database, 11 are from the video game Another Code: Recollection.
A lady of mystery, we first meet Miss Delight in Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 while exploring the school in Playcare.Before that we hadn’t even caught a glimpse of her, as Mob Entertainment kept her entirely under wraps – but we can piece together quite a bit of info on her from little...
Chuu Lee keeps a baby bird named Pippi as a pet and doted on it. One day, Pippi went somewhere far away. As Chuu Lee waited for its return on the roof, she simply sensed when it came back, even though the bird was not seen or heard of again. From this, Goku learned the art of...
(二)The Boss Baby is an American comedy film. There are two main characters in the film, Tim and a new member in Tim's family, his baby brother. Tim was a happy boy before his baby brother came to the family. Being the only child, he got all his parents' love. Life was going ...
Okabe Rintarou,also known as Okarin, is a combination of Oka – from his surname and Rin from his first name. Okabe often describes himself as a mad scientist and the main protagonist of Steins; Gate. Rintarou has a pompous, eccentric, and sometimes a bit Tsundere personality. He describe...
funny when he licked the electrical connector on the podracer Jar Jar always gets into trouble and needs help with everything He's actually one of the smartest, he was a Sith Lord the whole time Jabba Greedo Greedo (or Greedo the Young) is a fictional character from the Star Wars ...