Tina Belcher is a fictional character from the animated television series Bob's Burgers who was voiced by Dan Mintz. She is the oldest daughter of Bob Belcher and Linda Belcher and the older sister of Gene Belcher and Louise Belcher.
Bob's Burgersis an animated series that has a great and lovable cast of characters and a talented voice acting team that bring the characters to life. Many of the voice actors portray multiple characters on the show, most notably H. Jon Benjamin who voices Bob and various other characters. ...
Hugo is another generally antagonistic character, a health inspector who bears a grudge against Bob and has been trying to shut the restaurant down since the early days of Bob's Burgers. The health inspector returns for The Bob's Burgers Movie, and the Belcher family has to hide from him b...
With her signature pink bunny ears, Louise Belcher (Kristen Schaal) is the most beloved member of the Belcher family on "Bob's Burgers." The nine-year-old sibling to Gene and Tina, Louise is smart, sneaky, and always ready with snappy commentary. She's also kind of intense and just a...