Arc Villain: Of Act I, serving as the biggest direct threat to the crew of Mary Celeste for most of that part of the game before his eventual defeat near the end of the act. Bad Boss: He makes it very clear that he does not care about his men and will sacrifice as many as he ...
The goods sold at low prices are not necessarily poor in quality.贫贱[貧賤] pínjiàn* {E} v.p. poor and humble 2649 How well did you know this? 1 Not at all 2 3 4 5 Perfectly 61 Q 捆 捆 A kǔn tie, bind; bundle, bunch 捆[kǔn] tie; bundle捆¹kǔn(r...
In anothersecret page, the message in full is revealed as "Lastly, to most trusted Elizabeth I leave the entirety of my"miracle" gravelcache, uncovered with Barnabus during a trip to Terra Australis. My weakling son Gray resurfaced last year and has threatened to blackmail me for it. I g...
Scientific term for getting a female pregnant without sexual intercourse. Did you ever notice that all the prices end in 9? Damn, that's eerie. A great little word meaning very strange and scary. Jizm mopper. A funny term: "Jism" is crude for ejaculate (or semen). A "mop" is used...
which account for a staggering 13% of the entire universe, and the so-called Hourglass series, in particular, is their best seller, and whenever a new product from the series is released, it's instantly sold out, and he can image how high the prices goes up, and the Hourglass is the...